Braised Yum

Braised With Love, For Biriyani Lovers

The Biriyani People

Who are we?

We have a mission: to serve & spread awareness about delicious foods which ALSO have health benefits.

One such food is Biriyani: a highly cherished food that has been around for over 3000+ years. If cooked correctly, Biriyani has remarkable health benefits.

Our Biriyani is made of 12 anti-inflammatory spices. We make Biriyani in small batches. It is a braised food, hence slowly cooked.

Facts about our Biriyani:

Serving Three Locations

We are now serving at three locations in Gainesville:

Mondays: Grove Street Farmers Market,

Month's first Saturday: Haile Farmers Market, and
Other Saturdays: Alachua County Farmers Market.

We also do catering.

What is Biriyani?

Biriyani (a.k.a. biryani, bryani, etc.) is one of the oldest, highly aromatic, and most delicious foods in the world. 

While the main medium is rice, it could be made with several vegetables, and traditionally contains a particular protein, usually a meat. 

Biriyani is cooked with several spices which render its delectable taste and aroma.


The exact origins are uncertain, but some historical evidences are listed below:

The history of Biryani stretches back over 2,000-3000 years, with evidence of ancient rice dishes similar to Biryani found in Tamil literature. One of the earliest known records is of a dish called "Oon Soru," mentioned in Tamil texts around the 2nd century AD. This dish, made with rice, ghee, meat, turmeric, coriander, pepper, and bay leaves, was used to nourish military warriors​ (India Currents)​ (Seasoned Pioneers). 

Ancient roots stretch further, with historical records tracing its origins back to Central Asia. Biryani-like dishes have been associated with Turkic tribes. These nomadic tribes, who traveled long distances, cooked rice and meat together in large pots, a practice that eventually evolved into the Biryani we recognize today (Global Voices)​ (PeepulTree World).

The Persian Empire, which flourished in prehistoric times, had a significant influence on the development of rice-based dishes. Persian traders and settlers introduced rice cooking techniques to the Indian subcontinent, blending local flavors with their own culinary traditions​ (PeepulTree World). 

There is additional evidence of preparation of meat with rice in India dating 3000 years, which was called 'mansodan' in Sanskrit. Certainly, the common word pulaao, a.k.a. pilaf, which stems from the Sanskrit root pulaak (meaning boiled rice), has common threads with polo in Persian. This Sanskrit word descended to 'pulaakam' in Tamil and Telugu, and for centuries pulaao is known as a delicious rice preparation. Mughals who invaded India are known to call this food 'Hindavi Laziz', meaning Indian Delicacy. 

Online Ordering is Ready!

"Eat Biriyani Once A Week" !!!

Now you can order your favorite Biriyani online.

Place orders by Saturday, and your orders will be delivered for Sunday lunch.

Go ahead try the website and be assured, there is always Biriyani for you, even if you missed visiting a Farmers Market.

We specialize in Biriyani, an Eastern dish which dates back to a long time in history.

We have started serving Gainesville! Follow us on social media.

Our Expertise

We offer high-quality 'vegetarian and vegan' options of Biriyani. 

Though Biriyani is believed to have been a non-vegetarian dish, our goal is to bring the inherent braised flavor to vegetarian and vegan versions. 

Our Promise

Our incessant effort is aimed at bringing you the right, profound flavor of Biriyani. 

The ingredients are fresh & healthy, while our process keeps the nutrition intact.

Our Biriyani is strong and sober: nourishes you well.

Aren't we blessed with the most awesome fans? 😀

"Biriyani Lovers of Gainesville, FL: Y'all rock!"